March 9th, 2014
March 4th, 2014
lh5.ggpht.com/…/5WjZsL9nYzA/julia_crabs.jpg “There was a time when Ms. Child was hitting the sauce pretty good,” said colleague Jacques Tootite. “And I don’t mean the bechamel sauce either.” At a dinner party at her home one evening, she and four dining companions managed to polish off ten bottles of a vintage Cabernet. In a drunken frenzy, Ms. Child dashed into her kitchen and embarked on a wild night of culinary experimentation that lasted until the wee hours. The sickening results were jotted down longhand on the back of an electric bill which was discovered behind her 1973 avocado green refrigerator. Found there are such truly vile concoctions as Anus of Lamb, Mule Turd a L’Orange, Chicken Fried Lint and Asparagus Filled Jelly Doughnuts. “These were never meant to see the light of day, not to mention a serving plate,” said Monsieur Tootite,”Well… maybe at Applebee’s”. March 4th, 2014
According to NASA officials, there is simply no other explanation for this image– transmitted by the Hubble Telescope yesterday. Researchers are now searching for signs of bad Mexican restaurants in space. |
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